Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Upcoming Superhero Movies Preview

I'm a superhero fan. I love any story that is told in the right way so comic book history is fascinating to me. (I just bought a sweet batman snow hat!)

I always get excited when there is a new movie about a superhero coming out. Well usually I do. Ghost rider not so much. Btw, they're making a sequel to that. I don't really know why since the first one kinda bombed out. But oh well, when did movie makers ever really make a super good decision.

I'm pretty excited about the new Green Lantern movie. Looks cool enough. Trailer here.  I just hope they don't go too far with the whole "I'm a geek that got super powers and it's like totally cool check me out" thing. And the storyline that he struggles with being afraid is weird since Hal Jordan is a test pilot for new aircraft.

I'm pretty excited about The new Dark Knight movie although it's lame that they think they can get everyone all excited about it by using the same name. Well they add "Rises" after it but still.

The Warrior's Way isn't a superhero movie but it just looks sweet. Trailer.

Cowbowboys and Aliens is another non-superhero movie that looks interesting but I'm not getting excited yet. Trailer.

The Green Hornet looks okay maybe. Not sure about that one yet. Trailer. The old tv show was cool. But that had Bruce Lee so yeah. Seth Rogen is everything that a superhero isn't but it could work.

There is a new Superman animated full length film coming Febuary 22nd called All-Satr Superman. Those of us who are up on comicdom knopw that this was a comic/graphic novel about Superman's last days on earth. I haven't really been impressed by the animated Superman movies so far but who knows.

And just to end this post I'll give you a trailer for a movie I just think looks cool. It's called Sucker Punch.

Oh and how could I forget the new show The Cape coming to nbc in January. Trailer. This could be promising although the interaction between him and his son is over the top corny.

Okay that's all I have for today. Watch the trailers and make your list of movies and shows you want to see.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Applying Online

Searching for a job isn't what it used to be. At one time you had to actually get up and go to wherever you wanted to apply and actually meet someone face to face and fill out a resume or an application.

Nowadays whenever you go into a store and ask for an application you'll usually get this response, "Oh, everything is online. Just go to our website and......." yada yada yada.

Well as easy as that makes it for their human resources people, it's not very easy on the person applying. Why? Because applying online is cold and impersonal. You don't actually meet anyone. There's no chance of making a good impression. All you are to them is a white document that's doing everything it can in it's desperation to impress them. There is no dress to impress. There's no winning smile or firm handshake. What are we supposed to do? What can we possibly write on that document that will grab their attention?

I for one am sure that I can make a far better impression in person than my word document can. Should I put a riddle at the top of my resume and then say the solution is at the bottom? How can I get them to actually look at mine and not just hit delete because it's just another white screen?

Let me apply in person. Let me shake your hand and smile while I look you straight in the eye. If you have any questions I can answer them right then and there. Don't send me to the hopeless dead end of applying online.

                                                                                                     Job Hunter

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Airport Searches

What's up with these airports? I don't personally fly that much. I've flown a few times in my life but I rarely get the chance to take a trip or anything like that. Needless to say, I haven't been search by this new method that everyone is talking about.

I understand why it would be very weird to be patted down by a stranger as if you were some kind of criminal. I mean in America we're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. So why do they assume five year old girls are carrying bombs? It's scary and uncomfortable for alot of people.

On the other hand, think about the security people. It's got to be really weird for those guys. I mean you have to feel up thousands of angry frustrated people all day long. Nice. Plus, terrorists really would use five year old girls to get bombs onto a plane. You can never be too careful right? These people are freaks. They have no respect for themselves or anyone else. How do you guard against something like that?

People get mad at the airlines for these new "searches" going on. People get mad at the airlines for not searching hard enough when a plane gets hijacked. The airlines are in a lose lose situation.

Both sides of this controversy have their relevant arguments. Both sides need to be patient and understanding concerning the other. The news can shut up about it. They aren't helping.

In the day and age we live in there is no way to completely protect ourselves against the animals in the world. What can we do? Those people on those planes need to be protected and if you ask me, I'd rather be patted down than blown out of the sky.