Friday, December 3, 2010

Mediator for the Fingernail

(The term 'fingernail' as used in this post refers to an unborn fetus. It's used in sarcasm because of the comparison pro-abortionists use between a fetus and a fingernail.)

How is it that I can walk up to a pregnant woman, pull a gun out, and blow her life out the back of her head, and I’ll get charged with a double homicide? What two people did I kill? I shot the pregnant woman. But who else? I mean, sure, there was a fingernail in her stomach. But who cares about the fingernail? You can only get in trouble for killing a person, not for clipping a fingernail.

Our judicial system is two-faced. On the one hand they say that killing a pregnant woman is a double homicide. But then they say that a doctor can rip a baby’s arms and legs off and put it back together like a bloody puzzle and that’s ok.

A courtroom ruled that the kicking thing that sucks its thumb is not a human being. Does that mean we should believe it? Since when do we take what a courtroom says and make that our moral standard? Are you stupid? A courtroom is going to tell you what’s right and wrong? You never trusted them before but now that it’s convenient for you, you believe it. A courtroom also ruled that O. J. Simpson was innocent. So obviously we know there are flaws in the system. Sure, you can just believe the courts like a freakin good little robot citizen. I choose to think for myself.

What makes a person human? Apparently to most people it’s just the way something looks. Because that baby isn’t fully developed you say it isn’t human. What is fully developed? People don’t stop changing. So let’s rule that you can kill people until they are fifty years old because they generally stop changing at about fifty. Unless they get their grey hair later in life. Then we can kill them a bit later. How stupid could you possibly be? No courtroom is going to tell me what to believe no matter how many ignorant fools go by it. Nothing was proven scientifically. How can you scientifically say that that baby is not human? It is a human being with every right to live that you have.

How many chromosomes does a human being have? Don’t know? 46 chromosomes in a human being. 23 from the mother and 23 from the father. Do you know how many of those chromosomes are in a fetus? 46. So a logical thing to say is that a fetus with 46 chromosomes is a human being.

Oh, but everyone uses the argument. “What about a rape situation?” Well, what about a soldier stepping on a land mine? Bad things happen to good people. And there are things you will have to carry with you for the rest of your life. Emotionally challenging things. There is no way to get rid of those traumatic memories. In both situations the people involved will have to carry emotional scars with them for the rest of their lives. They will both have to carry physical things that will remind them for the rest of their lives. Oh, wait, no, the pregnant woman only has to carry it for nine months. That soldier has to be in a wheel chair for the rest of his life because he set off that explosive. He has no innocent child he can kill to escape his physical reality that reminds him daily of the pain he went through. He just has to live with it. Sure rape is a really bad thing to happen. No one believes you deserved it. Rotten things happen to a lot of people. Give it up for adoption. Don’t kill it!

Oh, and now we come to the argument. “Do you know how bad orphanages are? You get beat up all the time. It’s like being in prison. The child would be better off dead.” Give. Me. A. Break. They are not that bad! Sure it’s a hard life and the child may not be happy. But who is really happy all their life? Life is hard. It’s the hard things that make us the people we are. It’s the hard things in life that, when fought through, will produce a person with more sense than to kill an innocent child so you can feel better. Besides! Why do you suddenly pretend to care about the kid? You would have been happy to have KILLED the innocent young child a few months ago. Now all of a sudden you’re afraid it will get a boo boo? Don’t try to play the orphanage card! Getting beat up is far better than getting dead! You don’t care about those kids. You just like the argument so that you can ‘seem’ like you care while trying to get your agenda across.

Abortion is murder. There is no way around it. The baby is a human being and there is no way around that either.
And many would say, "But if it isn't legal then the mothers would be out in alleys and using hangers to try and get an illegal abortion. We're just protecting them." I say we can't control what people do outside of the law. Bank robbers in the old west would get shot lots of the time. Danger is a part of doing illegal things. Should we legalize every crime because 'they'll get hurt trying anyway'? Of course not.

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